Daruma is the Japanese name of BODHIDHARMA, founding monk of Chán Buddhism in China subsequently called Zen Buddhism in Japan, a transcription of the Sanskrit dhyāna or contemplation. Bodhidharma is the symbol of perseverance and success. At the same time, he taught the art of Kung-Fu from the Shaolin monks that we all know today.
Bodhidharma was highlighted in Japan during the Edo period (1603-1868) by monks from Takasaki who decided to make these famous figurines in his likeness filled with magic to supplement their income from agriculture.
The goal of a Daruma being to help make a wish come true, he will offer you the determination and the chance to grant it, we paint his first pupil by expressing our wishes, the second will be painted upon completion of this one. We will display it at home or in our workplace to remind ourselves of our objective, our wish.
Bodhidharma बोधिधर्म is the Sanskrit name whose meaning can be translated as the realization of all the teachings. He is of Indo-Iranian origin and was honored with the title of Bodhidharma as well as the first founder of the Eastern lands. He would have transmitted the dharma of Samyaksambuddha, the “pure and perfect Buddha” as well as the knowledge of the patriarchs and bodhisattvas to the Shaolin temple. The teachings are based on altruism, the union of body, mind and heart through so-called essential transitions such as only plant-based eating and strict daily practices.
The legendary story of Bodhidharma says that he eventually retired with the sole objective of achieving enlightenment, he did not close his eyes for 9 years staring at the walls of his cave, we even hear that he cut his eyes. eyelids to no longer sleep and which once fell to the ground gave birth to the tea tree. It is said that his arms and legs were also sacrificed by his practices, which led to the current form of Daruma, always returning to his so-called zazen position of meditation, no matter the obstacles, Daruma always gets back up.

The monks carrying out the Daruma wanted to transmit luck, health and, ultimately, the realization of all your wishes. To do this they concealed cranes acting as eyebrows for its attributes of longevity and adorned these turtle cheeks once again for its symbol of long life, perseverance, healing and so much more.
“Zen goes straight to the heart.
See your true nature and become Buddha. »